Randa Mirza
Randa Mirza is a young lebenese artist who has been one of the participant in Tarel Ataoui and Guillaume Stagnaro ’s Workshop in RAMI step in Beirut May 2007. She is working on one particular project, Minimal sea, a live music and video performance
Minimal sea is a live music and video performanceis a collaborative work between sound designer Jawad Nawfal and video artist Randa Mirza.
The aim of the performance is to stimulate the public, involving them in a sonor and visual environment.
The project’s starting point is a series of videos on the theme of water (sea). The visual language is abstract and minimalistic:
One of the ideas of the video performance is to use lesser movies, mouvements and effects to creat the maximun of non repetitive graphic forms from a single natural element, water. The videos are introduced to a software that was designed for the video artist with Tarek Atoui’s help in a previous workshop that took place in Beirut in 2006. It’s a computer application that combines a selection of different tools choosen by the video artist to creat her own visual language in a live video performance.
It was interesting to approach the sound element in the same way as the visuals, to use extremely stripped and specific elements and to transform them through resonant filters; to gradually lengthening them and make them granulous.
The point of this process is to create a synchronisation between the image and the sound, namely a new meaning which rises from association between the images and the sounds.