Accueil > Network > Structures > TRANSVERSCITÉ




Research, cultural cooperation, formation

Transverscité is a french association (law 1901), created in 1999, gathering researchers, artists, journalists and cultural actors. The sights of Transverscité focus on urban and social transformations of our societies. Its members work in developing multidisciplinary research projects, action or creation, training and publishing on social issues, urban and heritage, regional and international levels.
Transverscité’s questions cut across themes compositions of urban forms ; cultural practices and representations ; territories and heritage ; social and spatial mobility ; economies and markets ; devices, and public policies ; social networks and digital revolutions, artists involvement in societal change, sustainable development.
Transverscité The activity is organized around four axes with local, national and extra-national partners :
• Research programs in the framework of local controls
• Operational Programmes as part of co-production activities with associations and other field operators
• artistic creation and editing projects
• University and Professional Training Programs
Since 2013, Transverscité increases its involvement in the Euro-Mediterranean area, in cooperation with various partners and facilitates the information platform and RAMI-Meet and international art multimedia resources, with SHAMS / iCare in Lebanon.

Claudine Dussollier who is responsible of Trasverscité cultural cooperation department is focusing on arts and territories relationship issues, in matters of art in public space and with virtual 2.0 contextes. She did geographer studies. She worked in the fields of the integration of immigrants ; urban, social and cultural development. She knows very well the arabo-mediterranean countries and worked with various associations from this area.

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