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Adel Abdel Wahab

Actor and theater director

Adel Abdel Wahab has participated in RAMI Body, Movement and Multimedia workshop in June in Alexandria and in October in Beirut 2007.

Born in 1983 in Egypt, he lives in Alexandria.
He obtained a degree in Literature option theater department in 2005. He has been working in Dramatic Arts since 2003.

He acted in many theatrical plays such as: “Atil mouch moumken” Othello, not possible" performed in the Russian cultural center. He attended as well, many seminars and participated in several workshops.

Since he graduated, he has worked independently as a director and he has founded a theatrical troop “Hiwar”- Dialogue. He presented two shows. The first one was “Kayfa kazaba ala jawziha “- How he lied to her husband performed in the Jesuit cultural center in Alexandria on December 2005. The second one was “Loughat Al Jabal”- the Mountain Language-that was granted by “Mouassasat Al Maawred Al sakafi” and presented in the Alexandrian Forum for the Contemporaneous Arts, and in Town House gallery in Cairo.

The philosophy of this artist is visualized in the theatrical contemporary show “Loughat al jabal, atakallamouha aw aiichouha”- the Mountain Language- Speak it or Live it. This spectacle combines the recent techniques of different artistic disciplines (video, photography, and caricature) and it was performed in Arabic, English and Egyptian dialect.

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