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International Mail Art Egypt

Alexandria october 2015

INTERNATIONAL MAIL ART – EGYPT is one of the international activities for Atelier of Alexandria a group of artists and writers in a collaborating with EAN Group for international Artistic Cooperation which propose this kind of international mail art exhibition in Alexandria Egypt .It’s a free creativity initiative.

This is an open call to visual artists in all over the world to participate in the exhibition which will take place in Atelier of Alexandria on Thursday, 15th October 2015 , This year the show is given complete freedom for all artists to submit their artwork without any title.

How to apply :
- Deadline : 30th July 2015 .
- Artists Participations fields : opened in all different visual fields .
Size Maximum :
- For paper works : A4 ( 29cm X 21cm).
- For 3D Works : 25cm x 25cm x 25cm .
- For media art works : 3minutes only ( audio – video) Art works .
Artists can participate in only one section with 2 works maximum, unframed .
The works will not be sent back to the participants after the closing of the exhibition.
Sending Works :
Artists should send their works with application form .. well-packed and write NO COMMERCIAL VALUE on the envelope to :
International Mail Art – Egypt
Atelier of Alexandria – group of artists and writers
6 Victor Bassilly street, Alpharaana
Al-Azarita - Alexandria – Egypt

More information for application form and guidelines on Egyptian Artists Network website

Voir en ligne : Egyptian Artists Network




Fine Pixels
Kareem OSMAN