الصورة والصوت في الكتابة على الإنترنت - بيروت
with Jean-Pierre Noun et Renaud Vercey
ورشة عمل يُقدمها جان-بيار نون ورينو فيرسيه
المشاركون: مصر: أحمد السمرا، لميا مُغزي، محمد طمان، سهى يحيا أبو حسين، عبدالله داوستاشي و رباب نوّار
لبنان: منال خرّاط ، باسكال القارح و باتريسيا طعمة
المغرب: ناديا أوفري
> visit the creation : 6 scenes in the life of Jancouz
The workshop took place in six phases.
The first days were about writing a story involving Jancouz / Jamal (the clown). We have choosen the six colors because it was a reference to the libanese political scene. At the end I think the six stories of Jancouz has nothing to do with politics...
The third day was the shooting day. Jancouz was on a blue screen which can be deleted at the editing with the “chroma key” technic.
Then the team worked hard for five days in editing, creating backgrounds, sound effects...
At the end we have a mixed media object. The aim of this workshop was to crete relations between the art of the scene and the art of the screen.