Home > Activities > Labs > Futureya - What’s next ?


7 Dec - 13 Dec 2009

Futureya - What’s next ?

video workshop

around the experience of the DVD Disposition

One of the both workshop organised in the frame of the event Memory and Futurism was leaded by Renaud Vercey, Bruno Voillot and Mohamed Youssef.

The final object produced during the interactive video workshop clearly refered to the interactive video DVD Disposition, which we presented in Alexandria. For the workshop team, the goal was to create a collective audiovisual work, in which menus would link each video to one another according meaning or shape association. These links, those connections, that hypertext generated by the aggregation of several personal works has contributed to strengthen the idea of a collective. With this creation, a certain pride of being part of a collaborative adventure has appeared.
Now, what the perspectives for this group of filmmakers ? The first step to keep on working together has been to create a broadcasting channel on Viméo, an independant movie platform, –http://vimeo.com/channels/futureya – on which each member has posted the movie made during that week. A network has be constituted, where each member will be able to share his production in the future. The interactive video work, Futureya, originally created to be seen as a DVD, has been naturally broadcasted online. The DVD has also been screened at El Dokan Art Space in Alexandria.

The Crowd from Mayye Zayed on Vimeo.

Reverse عكس from karim shaaban on Vimeo.

Now that the group is familiar with this kind of creation, the next step would consist in developing further the idea of interactive video. In order to make easier the group dynamic, a new period of work is very important. The making of video generated in real-time by actors or by the audience could be studied, at a technical and at a conceptual level.
Renaud Vercey

All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

View online : http://vimeo.com/channels/futureya




Street multimedia theatre
Emma Benany

Find more on the Memory and Futurism Event on the blog Memoire et Futurisme