Home > Activities > Labs > Street multimedia theatre


21 Jul - 30 Jul 2011

Street multimedia theatre

Proposed by ZINC, SEE and AFIT, in the frame of Liverato program

Alexandria forum for independent theatre and contemporary arts, Studio Emad Eddin and ZINC /La friche has proposed a training workshop in “street multimedia theatre” in the period from July 21 to July 30, 2011 in Alexandria - Egypt.
This workshop was included in the Liverato cultural mobility program.

This workshop has proposed the participants from Alexandria and Cairo to follow the process of managing a multimedia performance in public space, integrating aspects of: writing and shouting for and with the spaces and habitants, scenography with architecture outside event, controle technical and multimedia rules in matter of screening, ……
He has been lead by Alexandre Cubizolles, Hatem Hassanand Emad Farouk

Participation was open to artists motivated by this street and multimedia approach, with skills or backgrounds in all the artistic fields as: theatre, actors, photographers, filmmakers and related activities by the lighting designers and technicians in theatre context. This workshop has focused on the integration of Multimedia Art in the street where they work on the field of inspiration in the popular imagination and change the status of the population on topics inspired by the place and its occupants.

This workshop was also involved with the storytelling workshop (which previously hosted by Alexandria forum in the same program) in the production of stories and influences the arts of Multimedia and submit its findings together in one area of Kom El deka in Alexandria - Egypt. Part of the training took place in the street. The trainers from France and Egypt have much experience in this field of arts.

The participants was:
Leaders: Alexandre Cubizolles artist, architect, scenographer. He is co founder and art director of PIXEL13.
Emad Farouk Art Director, Multimedia Designer and scenographer, holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in 1988, artistic director at Advances company.
Hatem Hassan: Egyptian theatre director and culture projects manger. Following an extensive training in theatre and several workshops he took part in many projects in Egypt and abroad, including working in Avignon Festival in 2009 and 2010.

Mohamed Hasham
Abdelsamea Abdallah
Ahmed Salem
Mohamed Elkateb
Mariem Roushdy
Yousra Elsharkawy
Mahmoud Rabiey/Vito
Saad Samir,
Aliaa Elgredy
Hend Elharery
Ahmed Galal

Panorama picture took by Alexandre Cubizolles during Kom El Deka Performance

have a look to the pplication form:

PDF - 279.9 kb
Application form

and the workshop feed backs later on

All the versions of this article: [عربي] [English]

Application form
pdf 279.9 kb





Futureya - What’s next ?
Ahmed Salem