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Alexandre Cubizolles/PIXEL 13

Alexandre Cubizolles is artist, architect, scenographer. He is co founder and art director of PIXEL 13. He is going to lead a multimedia workshop in public space, in Alexandria city, with ZINC, Studio Emad Eddine, AFIT- Alexandria Forum in the frame of LIVERATO program. avec le, with the support of european Union.

Based at Friche la Belle de Mai of Marseille and at Busséol, Pixel 13 explores the interfaces between art(s), architecture(s) and territory(ies) by producing and creating projects for public spaces.

His work, strongly contextualized, is conceived for the night and public spaces and always gives a great part to the light which is handled in all its forms : projections of images taken “in situ”, electric and pyrotechnical lighting …
An emblematic project of his approach, the BULB exploratory device of contemporary territories was presented in many events in France, Spain and Korea.
He also teaches in various devices of formation: ENSACF (Hight National School of Architecture of Clermont-Ferrand), FAIAR (Itinerant Advanced Formation of Arts of the Street), University of Provence…

Alexandre Cubizolles is working on the last art work of PIXEL13 named: Work’n progress.

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