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10 Jan - 18 Jan 2011

2BContinued Festival

SEE Foundation conceived 2 B continued – Festival and Theatre Laboratory in order to indirectly incite young directors, choreographers and theatre companies to consider their financial and artistic capacities while doing a production and thus to increase the possibility of artistic development.

2 B continued is also a training laboratory, where chosen companies will be followed from the beginning by an established theatre director and/or a choreographer (Mentor), as well as professional lighting designer, set designer, and production manager who will supervise and support them through the different steps of the production, from the choice of texts to the final productions.

The first edition of the 2B Continued laboratory / Festival was held in 2008, where three theatre productions were produced involving a total of 40 artists and technicians and each performance was given a three days run. ‘The Lesson’ by Ionesco, directed by Ahmed Hussein, won the best performance and has been since presented in Alexandria, Minia and the Czech Republic.

In 2009, for the second edition, the festival included three contemporary dance performances produced specifically for the festival. The three young Egyptian choreographers were some of the young dancers and choreographers who were following the Cairo Contemporary Dance Program, organised since 2008 by SEE Foundation and Descent Dance association. This, in turn, has allowed the young dancers and choreographers to begin entering the professional world.

In 2010, the festival becomes an integral part of the ‘J.M Liverato Project ( The Euro-Arab Multidisciplinary Cultural Exchange Project) and will invite a number of regional and international programmers and partners to assist at the festival. For the first time, the festival combines theatre and dance as it hosts two theatre and two dance performances. The festival will take place in the Falaki Theatre Downtown from the 13th – 18th January 2011.

The festival included for the first time, a guest performance by a more established artist, Adham Hafez and his PsychOperaperformance in a quest to introduce interdisciplinary multimedia works to the 2 B Continued festival; a field that the festival intends to develop over the next few years.

ZINC and 3BisF et Marseille-Provence 2013 will be present.

2 B continued Festival/ Theatre and Dance Laboratory

Cairo 13-18 January 2011
Provisional Program of the 2010 2B Continued edition

Thursday 13th of January 2011:: Opening night
Exit does not Exit, choreographed by Shaymaa Shoukry
Followed by ‘Frenzy for Two or More’ by Eugene Ionesco, directed by Yousra El Sharkawy
Friday the 14th of January 2011
‘Amédée or How to Get Rid of It’ by Eugene Ionesco, directed by Ahmed Shawky
Followed by ’Galatea’s Twilight’, choreographed by Maha El Maraghy
Saturday the 15th of January 2011
Exit does not Exit, choreographed by Shaymaa Shoukry
Followed by ‘Frenzy for Two or More’ by Eugene Ionesco, directed by Yousra El Sharkawy
Sunday the 16th of January 2011
‘Amédée or How to Get Rid of It’ by Eugene Ionesco, directed by Ahmed Shawky
Followed by ’Galatea’s Twilight’, choreographed by Maha El Maraghy
Monday the 17th of January 2011
Psychopera’ directed by Adham Hafez
Tuesday 18th of January 2011: Closing Night
‘Psychopera’ directed by Adham Hafez

Read more in Ahram weekly article by Rania Khalil/ Special to Daily News EgyptRania Khalil/ Special to Daily News Egypt

All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

Article d’El Ahram weekly
By Rania Khalil/ Special to Daily News EgyptRania Khalil/ Special to Daily News Egypt- 17 january 2011 - pdf 446.5 kb


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