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I am Averroès in Beirut/Publication

Moultaka Ibn Rùchd - Beirut

"Je suis Ibn Rùshd”, in Beyrouth
Third Multaka Ibn Rùshd in Beyrouth, March 2015

On the 30 and 31 of March 2015 takes place the third edition of Moultaka Ibn Rùshd, Averroes meetings in Beyrouth. These meetings were initiated in Beirut in 2012, inspired by Averroes meetings in Marseille. The idea is to analyse social facts for a better understanding of the Lebanese society, and more widely the Mediterranean area. During his lifetime, Averroes became a symbol of open-mindedness and were chased by his own people and ignored by many others. In that time, Europe was ruled by Christian fanatism and Islam was looking for freedom.

The 2015 edition of the meetings questioned Averoes idendity in 2015. Nowadays, Europe promotes freedom of speech and expression as a symbol for modernity and civilisation. Which borders delimit this value of freedom ? Is Fanatism a reaction to Western policies or a consequence of Arabic regimes ? Do the Arabic world, Islamic world, need to resuscitate Ibn Rushd or should it encourage new thinkers to emerge to fit new issues ?

The Moultaka Ibn Rùshd meeting had a diversity of guests : Malek Chebel, an anthropologist (France-Algeria), Khawla Matri, a sociologist from Tunis, and three intervenants from Lebanon : Samir Frangié (politician), Nizar Saghiyyé (lawyer) and Roger Assaf (leading figure in theatre).

The two round tables took place at Assabil public librairies in Beirut, in Monnot and Bachoura neighborhood. Moultaka Ibn Rùshd are organised by Shams/Beirut, in partnership with Transverscité/Marseille. Access to the sessions was free of charge according to auditorium capacity.

Download the acts of the third edition titled, "Je suis Ibn Rùshd” (I am Averroes)

The Moultaka Ibn Rùshd meetings of Beirut are organized by SHAMS and ASSABIL, conceived with the support of Transverscité/ Marseille.

Produced by SHAMS with the support of the French Institut in Lebanon, and the Provence-Alpes Côte d’Azur region in France.

The Rencontres d’Averroès in Marseille, were created by Thierry Fabre, produced and organized by Espaceculture_Marseille.

Download the the acts of the third encounters, "Je suis Ibn Rùshd”:

Download the acts of the Moultaka 2014. It was dealing with the subject : « Lebanon, a crossroads for cultural exchanges"

See article de Sandra Noujeim dans l’Orient le Jour
“Comment combattre une violence qui « nous est inhérente ?”

All the versions of this article: [عربي] [English] [français]

View online : Ibn Rùchd facebook

Dossier de presse 3° Moultaka-Mars 2015
Dossier de presse 3° Moultaka-Mars 2015 - pdf 475.3 kb
Communique de presse 3° Moultaka
Communique de presse 3° Moultaka - pdf 317.8 kb





Abdo Nawar
Serhan Ada
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