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Ismail FAYED

Dramaturge and writer

Born in Cairo, Ismail Fayed works as an arts critic, dramaturge, and writer. With a BA and MA in Political Science (Cairo University and American University in Cairo), Ismail’s background in Arts History, Middle East History, Philosophy, Gender, Anthropology and Politics have enabled him to work in-between the lines and norms of contemporary artistic practices.

Ismail Fayed creates texts, Blogs, performances, Video-lectures, as well as long engagement with academia. His works have been presented in Cairo, Amsterdam, Istanbul, Brussels, and Berlin, and he has been published in several languages throughout the past years. He was the Critic-In-Residence for the KunstenfestivaldesArts in Belgium, Co-Curator of “TransDance Series” in Egypt, Arts-Lab Critic and Festival’s Blogger for “In Transit Festival- Haus Der Kulturen Der Welt”- Germany.
He has been writing on contemporary artistic practices since 2007 and his texts can be accessed via his blog.

Ismail Fayed has worked with several choreographers and performers (Adham Hafez (EG), Thomas Lehmen (D), Lilibith Cuenca (DK)…) in laboratories, productions, performances and research contexts.
He’s the Editor of the new publication “CAIROGRAPHY” that will be the first publication focused on Performance and Choreography Studies in the Arab Speaking World, translating World renowned critiques into Arabic for the first time, and Arab critiques into English also for the first time published, and he’s the consultant to “FABRICA’s” board of directors on new forms of performative

Ismail Fayed is associated in the last art works of Adham Hafez, « PsychOpéra» and White Arabs Dark Arabs.

Lessen Ismail Fayed et Adham Hafez on the RADIO GRENOUILLE web site after the lecture Ismail Fayed has done about identity and culture in Middle East.

All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

View online : Ismail Fayed blog




Street multimedia theatre
Coopération Ecole d’art d’Aix-en-Provence & Université des beaux arts d’Alexandrie
Stéphanie Dadour