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18 Apr - 20 May 2013


LONG LIFE TO VIDEO ART ! from 18 april to 20 may, 2013, is a full programme of exhibitions, workshops and international encounters to discover and celebrate video art in Alexandria, organised by Les Instants Vidéos/ Ecole Supérieure d’Art d’Aix-en-Provence (ESAAix), Labofictions / RAMI/ Transverscité / Bibliotheca Alexandrina /University of Alexandria, Faculty of Fine arts

18 april to 20 may in Art Exhibitions and Collections Department, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, the Bibliotheca Alexandrina and the Instants Vidéos co-organize the first video art festival of Alexandria Video art Installations exhibition and encounters/screenings

  • Thursday april, 18th in Art Exhibitions and Collections Department, Bibliotheca Alexandrina. Opening of the exhibition (1:00 PM), Encounters / Screenings (7:00 / 9:30 PM)

Artists in exhibition
Samar El Barawy (Egypt) : Le défilé and The escape
Maha Maamoun (Egypt) : 2026
Nicolas Clauss (France) : Fès (vidéographie aléatoire #01)
François Lejault (France) : Comment écrire au-dessus des nuages ?
Hakeem B (Algeria/France) : Once Upon A Time…
Mariana Vassileva (Germany/Bulgaria): The milkmaid
Lydie Jean-Dit-Pannel (France) : L-INK
Nisrine Boukhari (Syrie) : Between
Taysir Batniji (Palestine) : Like water

Roland Baladi (France) ; Nam June Paik (South Korea) ; Nisrine Boukhari (Syria) ;
Lucia Ahmad (Palestine) ; Natacha Paganelli (France) ; Max Philipp Schmid (Switzerland) ;
William Wegman (US) ; Pascal Lièvre (France) ; Zbig Rybczynski (US/Poland)

  • Saturday april, 20th in Art Exhibitions and Collections Department Dpt, Bibliotheca Alexandrina * Instants Vidéo international encounters and round-tables (7:00 / 10:00 PM)

Video art in capital letters for culture : Hihlight on video art in Alexandria in April 2013, echoing a year of Capital for Culture in Marseille-Provence. Alexandria is the third step of the Instants Videos world year celebration 50 years of video art with its international festival that began in Tokyo and Yokoahama in January 2013 followed by Liège (Belgium) in March, Palestine in July and ending in Marseille next November 2013. This first video art festival of Alexandria will make discover and celebrate pionneers and young artists : a passionate selection and co-production by Instants Vidéo Numériques et Poétiques and Bibliothéca d’Alexandrina.

Talks / Round Table  : Maha Maamoun ; Samar El Barawy ; Nicolas Clauss ; François Lejault ; Marc Mercier

International video workshop Labofictions 14 to 20 april in Alexandria Faculty of Fine arts

Labofictions is a Mediterranean network of Higher Education Institutions devoted to video art, launched and based at the Ecole Supérieure d’Art d’Aix-en-Provence (ESAAIX). Labofictions is organized around the video studio of the ESAAIX, providing with a programme of artists residencies, students mobility exchange, video exchanges between students, exhibitions, and international workshops. The Labofictions workshop taking place at the Faculty of Fine arts Alexandria from 14th to 20th April , co-organized by both institutions, will gather teachers and students from both schools for one week of collaborative work and research to explore the process of storytelling/fiction based on the evocative strength of places. Aix-en-Provence and Alexandria story-telling.

Public presentation of the videos realized by the students of the Alexandria Faculty of Fine arts and Ecole Supérieure d’Art d’Aix-en-Provence
Saturday april, 20th in Alexandria Faculty of Fine arts, 12:00 AM

Instants Vidéos : Marc Mercier (curator)
Plate-Forme RAMI / Transverscité : Claudine Dussollier
Art Exhibitions and Collections Department, Bibliotheca Alexandrina : Marc Henine
ESAAix / Labofictions : François Lejault (artist - video head teacher - direction of Labofictions), Julie Karsenty (international relations and research coordinator - Labofictions general coordination), Wilfried Legaud (video assistant teacher), Marguerite Reinert, Maëlys Rebuttini, Gaëtan Trovato (students ESAAix), Nada Rezq (exchange student from Alexandria Faculty of Fine Arts to ESAAix – coordination assistant Labofictions Alexandria)
Alexandria Faculty of Fine Arts:
Hadil Nazmy (artist - teacher), Samar El Barawy (artist - assistant teacher) and 10 students

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MEDRAR exhibits Roznama 2
5th Cairo Video Festival

Instants Vidéos www.instantsvideos.com (facebook)
ESAAix / Labofictions www.ecole-art-aix.fr (facebook) / www.labofictions.org
Plate-Forme RAMI / Transverscité www.ramimed.com
Alexandria Faculty of Fine Arts www.alexu.edu.eg
Bibliotheca Alexandrina www.bibalex.org (facebook)

Contact: contact labofictions.org