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Memory and futurism/dec 09 Alexandrie-Cairo

Art video Festival, multimedia installation, workshops, debates, lectures

This event is based on the exploration of the roots of video art starting from the futurist manifestos launched by Marinetti and his friends from 1909 onwards and the installation at the CFCC of Disposition, a digital art work dealing with means for memory in Istanbul, Alexandria and Marseilles.

ZINC and Les INSTANTS VIDEO, two cultural organization located in Marseille, togather with a number au french and egyptian artists (Mohamed Salah, Ahmed Essamra, Hadel Nazmy, Islam Kamel, Lamia Moghzy, Mohamed Taman, Mohamed Youssef, Renaud Vercey and Bruno Voillot/Collectif Position), have conceived this first festival dedicated to international video art, in Alexandria, from the 6th to the 13th december, and in Cairo on the 16th and 17th december.

The event includes video projections, encounters on “Cinema, video art and futurism” , two workshops open to young artists and filmmakers. The workshop “Looking for Marinetti” will be animated by Marc Mercier, artist and director of Instant Vidéo and by Giovanna Lista, historian of futurism. The other one, focalising on interactive multimedia publishing will be led by Renaud Vercey and Bruno Voillot, authors of the Disposition together with Mohammed Youssef, multimedia artist.

Coordination: Claudine Dussollier

For more information on the blog dedicated to the project


This event is possible thanks to the help and participation of : Les Instants Video, The Atelier of Alexandria, Jesuit cultural center, Bibliothéca Alexandrina, the CEAlex, the university of Fine Arts of Alexandria, El Dokan Art Space, the French cultural center of Alexandria and the CFCC of Cairo, the Italian Cutural Center and other cultural organizations from Alexandria and Cairo, that will welcome the festival and the artists in december, and the financial support of Marseille-Provence 2013, Fondation René Seydoux. Its production is managed by ZINC, with the support of Region Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur, Marseille City and French Foreign affairs Ministery.

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La jeune création vidéo en Egypte